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Maryland Stream Restoration Association

“an association of professionals dedicated to healthy streams through the advancement of stream restoration science” 

  • 17 Aug 2018 8:24 AM | Deleted user

    Please join us for MSRA's Summer 2018 Field Trip to visit the Broad Creek Headwaters Stream and Wetland Restoration Site and Social Gathering at Chuy's Restaurant on Wednesday August 29, 2018 at 6 pm. For more information and to register go here

  • 14 May 2018 2:34 PM | Deleted user

    MSRA Annual Spring Meeting

    When: Thursday May 31, 2018 at 6:00 pm
    Where: Barrett's Grill, 118 Shawan Road Hunt Valley, MD 21030

    Please register on our website at: marylandstreamrestorationassociation.org


    The Maryland Stream Restoration Association will be holding the annual spring meeting on Thursday May 31, 2018.


    We have two qualified candidates nominated to fill the open positions for the next term:

    Mike Galvin (Secretary) and Mitch Keiler (President Elect).

    Additional nominations may be made from the floor.


    MSRA is thrilled to welcome back Dr. Tess Thompson who will speak on: Predicting Erosion Rates of Cohesive Stream Banks

    Dr. Theresa “Tess” Thompson is an associate professor in Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech, the assistant department head for undergraduate studies, and a Turner Fellow of Engineering. Dr. Thompson has degrees in agricultural, civil, and biological systems engineering and has worked as an engineer in state government and private consulting, and as a consultant to US AID. Her research in watershed management focuses on stream and wetland restoration, urban stream systems, and streambank erosion. She currently teaches courses in fluvial geomorphology and stream restoration and is a frequent invited speaker on streambank erosion and low impact development. A former president of the American Ecological Engineering Society, she currently serves as secretary of the River Restoration Committee of ASCE-EWRI and on the advisory board for the International Ecological Engineering Society.

    Appetizers will be provided, Cash Bar.

  • 27 Feb 2018 10:48 AM | Deleted user

    Spring elections are coming!  This year we have two officer positions open, President Elect and Secretary.  Please email Shannon Lucas at Shannon.lucas@kci.com if you are interested in running.  A description of the positions are offered below.  Members attending the Spring meeting will vote via ballot. 

    President Elect  

    Serves a one year term as President Elect and becomes President in the Spring of 2019 for a two year term.  As President, he/she presides over all meetings, and appoints all members of the standing committees and chairs of additional temporary committees.  


    Voting member of the board.  Generates agendas and, keeps and distributes  minutes of the board meetings.  Serves a two year term commencing in Spring 2018.

  • 16 Feb 2018 5:14 PM | Deleted user

    MSRA is having a Stream Restoration Seminar & Job Fair on March 10, 2018 from 9-2 at the University of Maryland College Park Campus.  


    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Listen to a diverse group of professionals from different educational backgrounds introduce you to the Stream Restoration Industry in the State of Maryland and discuss various career pathways that are available. The speakers will also talk about the skill sets and knowledge base that hiring managers are looking for in prospective employees.

    12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

    Meet and interact with potential employers looking to fill entry level and summer internship positions.

    Why is this seminar being held?

    With the implementation of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, the stream and ecological restoration industry is hard at work planning, assessing, designing, constructing and monitoring projects to restore our streams and watersheds. With this increase in work, the need for smart, trained and technically-able college graduates has never been higher across the industry.

    To register go here

  • 14 Feb 2018 10:16 AM | Deleted user

    Saturday, February 24th, 2018
    8:00 am Annual Steward Action Summit and Breakfast
    9:15 am - 4:30 pm Spring into Action!
    Northeast High School
    1121 Duvall Hwy, Pasadena, MD 21122

    Registration for WSA's seventh annual conference "Spring into Action!" is open! View a draft agenda here.

    Students: $25

    Stewards, Consortium, and Board Members: $50

    General Admission: $75

    Register here

  • 16 Jan 2018 10:27 AM | Deleted user

    The Maryland Stream Restoration Association will be holding the first quarterly meeting of the year on Thursday, February 8th, 2018.

    The meeting will kick off with a review of what MSRA has planned for 2018. Then, MDE will offer a brief update on the draft MS4 permits. Finallythe main event - Dr. Andrew Muller will present about the State of the Severn River! 

    More information to come soon!

    The meeting will be held at:

    Hellas Restaurant8498 VETERANS HIGHWAY MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108.

    Event time:  6:00 - 9:00 PM

    Event dateThursday, February 8, 2018

    Appetizers Will Be Provided, Cash Bar.

    Member Cost = Free. Non-Member Cost = $15

    Please pre-register so we know how much food to purchase.

  • 1 Dec 2017 4:45 PM | Deleted user

    Check out the DNR link from the recent Stream Information Exchange!


  • 1 Dec 2017 4:42 PM | Deleted user

    Request for Sites for Maddie Berg’s Thesis 

    Let’s try to help Maddie! 

    From Maddie: 

    I’m “trying to find sites for my thesis: “A Comparison of Conveyance Channels and Floodplain Reconnection / Material Processing Channels Used in Urban Stream Restoration.” I need 12 urban sites total - 6 designed for conveyance and 6 designed for floodplain reconnection / material processing. I have found a few sites so far but it is proving difficult to find sites that have similar characteristics (age, drainage area, etc) so more site possibilities would be helpful.

    The googlesheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EdM3LtnlLKtFNfaroGvFHIGmnFDWV-ICPKe7t6alYfo/edit?usp=sharing) has the names of sites that I have looked at so far (ones highlighted in blue indicate that I have Design Reports). The googlesheet also contains all the other information that I would like to gather about the site locations.  I would love to share my findings with MSRA upon completion! Any sites would be helpful and if you would like more information about my thesis project feel free to contact me.“

    Maddie Berg

    James Madison University



    Please contact Maddie if you have potential sites for her Thesis Work.  

  • 30 Oct 2017 4:10 PM | Deleted user

    Sponsorship of Student Registration for

    2017 Maryland Water Monitoring Council Annual Conference

    Managing Water Quality in a Changing World

    December 8, 2017

    Maritime Institute

    692 Maritime Boulevard

    Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1952 

    The Maryland Stream Restoration Association (MSRA) is making available to two lucky students, a free registration to the 23rd Annual Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference.    The conference will include a plenary session, six concurrent breakout sessions, posters and exhibitor tables, and the famous Maritime Institute all-you-can-eat buffet lunch.  Topics include Climate Change and Adaptation, Stream Restoration Biomonitoring, Leveraging Data Sources, New Monitoring Technologies, Agriculture and Water Quality, Citizen Science, and Communicating Progress and Successes.  There will also be a Student- Professional Networking Session.  Please visit the conference website for more details.


    The registration only covers the cost of admittance to the conference (not lodging or food beyond what is provided at the Conference).  If you are interested in attending, please submit a 1 Page letter describing the following; 1) why is stream restoration important to you, 2) what do you hope to get out of the conference, and 3) provide your current stream restoration knowledge or skills. 

    The write up should be emailed to Shannon Lucas, President of the MSRA at shannon.lucas@kci.com.  The submittals will be reviewed and evaluated by the executive committee of the MSRA and winner will be selected.  

    The deadline for submittal is Friday, November 10, 2017 and a decision will be made by Friday  November 17, 2017.  

  • 12 Oct 2017 1:40 PM | Deleted user

    Join us on October 25, 2017 for our MSRA Fall Field Trip & Student Night/Job Fair. More information can be found here. 

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