Sponsorship of Student Registration for
2017 Maryland Water Monitoring Council Annual Conference
“Managing Water Quality in a Changing World”
December 8, 2017
Maritime Institute
692 Maritime Boulevard
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1952
The Maryland Stream Restoration Association (MSRA) is making available to two lucky students, a free registration to the 23rd Annual Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference. The conference will include a plenary session, six concurrent breakout sessions, posters and exhibitor tables, and the famous Maritime Institute all-you-can-eat buffet lunch. Topics include Climate Change and Adaptation, Stream Restoration Biomonitoring, Leveraging Data Sources, New Monitoring Technologies, Agriculture and Water Quality, Citizen Science, and Communicating Progress and Successes. There will also be a Student- Professional Networking Session. Please visit the conference website for more details.
The registration only covers the cost of admittance to the conference (not lodging or food beyond what is provided at the Conference). If you are interested in attending, please submit a 1 Page letter describing the following; 1) why is stream restoration important to you, 2) what do you hope to get out of the conference, and 3) provide your current stream restoration knowledge or skills.
The write up should be emailed to Shannon Lucas, President of the MSRA at shannon.lucas@kci.com. The submittals will be reviewed and evaluated by the executive committee of the MSRA and winner will be selected.
The deadline for submittal is Friday, November 10, 2017 and a decision will be made by Friday November 17, 2017.