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Maryland Stream Restoration Association

“an association of professionals dedicated to healthy streams through the advancement of stream restoration science” 

Vision Statement: “We are an association of professionals dedicated to healthy streams through the advancement of stream restoration science.”  

Membership in the Maryland Stream Restoration Association provides opportunities for those involved in stream restoration to network with each other and informally share data, protocols and other information, lessons learned and opportunities.  

Our bylaws are available here.



President:  Adam Nabors (2023 - 2025)

President-Elect:  Will Weaver (2024 - 2025)

Secretary: Scott Petrey (2024 - 2026)

Treasurer: Pete Daly (2024 - 2026)


Richard Pfingsten (2023 - 2025)

Sarah Norton (2024 - 2026)

Joe Berg (2024 - 2026)

Greg Golden (2024 - 2026)

Catherine Hoy, Visual Director (2024 - 2026)


Membership Committee:

Karly Feight - Chair

Rich Pfingsten - Board Liaison

Education Committee:

Maddie Berg - Co-Chair 

Shannon Lucas - Co-Chair 

Will Weaver - Board Liaison

Matt Drennan

Laura Kelm

Sage Greiner - MSRA Student Ambassador

Program Committee:

Sarah Norton - Co-Chair & Board Liaison

Madison Warfield - Co-Chair

Adam Nabors

MaryBeth O'Bryan 

Scholarship Committee:

Shannon Lucas - Chair

Pete Daly - Board Liaison

Orman Morton

Kevin Gracie

Kimberly Weller

Elizabeth Kanner

Emily Fask

Rich Pfingsten

Will Weaver

Research and Monitoring Committee:

Joe Berg - Co-Chair Board Liaison

Communications Committee:

Emily Fask - Chair

Scotty Petrey - Board Liaison

Catherine Hoy

Steve Pawlak

Public Outreach Committee:

Elizabeth Kanner - Chair

Rebecca Oaks

Adam Nabors - Board Liaison

Interested in joining a committee or becoming more involved? Please email one of our officers to let them know you would like to volunteer!

Adam Nabors, President

Will Weaver, President-Elect

Scott Petrey, Secretary

Pete Daly, Treasurer

Sarah Norton, Board Member

Rich Pfingsten, Board Member

Joe Berg, Board Member

Greg Golden, Board Member

Catherine Hoy, Visual Director

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