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Maryland Stream Restoration Association

“an association of professionals dedicated to healthy streams through the advancement of stream restoration science” 

MSRA Webinar Series - Two Applications of the Stream Function Pyramid Framework feat. Cidney Jones

  • 5 Dec 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • GoToWebinar
  • 63


MSRA Webinar Series - Two Applications of the Stream Function Pyramid Framework feat. Cidney Jones

MSRA is excited to continue our series of webinars featuring leading industry researchers and partners, as we strive to offer opportunities for discussion and promote advancement of the stream restoration science. Visit our website and social media channels for upcoming webinars. 

Continuing Education Credits will be offered for the MSRA Webinar Series! 

We hope you will join us:

When: Thursday - December 5, 2024

Time: 12:00 p.m. -  1:00 p.m.

Where: GoToWebinar

Following your registration, and prior to the event, you will receive a webinar link from GoToWebinar which will give you access to the webinar.

Will you be attending?

Register Today! Registration will Close at 3pm Wednesday, December 4th.


Cost: Free for members, $10 for non-members

Presentation Abstract: 

Point-in-time measurements of form and structure inform our understanding of underlying stream ecosystem processes, and in the case of stream restoration, serve as benchmarks of altered processes or monitoring end points. The approach to monitoring stream ecosystem functions described in the Stream Functions Pyramid Framework (SFPF; Harman et al. 2012) drills into each of five functional categories to document the change that results from stream restoration activities. The SFPF describes each functional category with a functional statement; function-based parameters describe and support each functional category; metrics are specific tools, equations, and/or assessment methods that are used to characterize site condition and inform function-based parameter scores; for each metric, reference standards evaluate the functional capacity of measured values or observed conditions compared to reference quality resources of the region or stream archetype. This presentation will describe two applications of the SFPF: the stream quantification tool (SQT) and the Function-based Rapid Stream Assessment (FBRSA) that was recently revised for Maryland.

Presenter's Abstracts:

Cidney is a professional engineer with 14 years of experience in stream restoration design, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, stream restoration, and stream assessments. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College in 2010 and her Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2013. She started assisting with the field days for the Stream Function Pyramid Framework courses in 2017 and has since been teaching and leading workshops and field training across the U.S. She has experience performing and providing instruction for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling; field surveying; geomorphic assessments; and GIS mapping and analyses. She is the co-developer of the Stream Quantification Tool and works with states to regionalize the tool. Cidney currently lives and hikes in and around Fort Montgomery, New York.

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